The New Yorker Daily Shouts: New Yorker Cartoonists Caption Doctor Diagrams
The New Yorker website, June 2018.
Creative Direction & writing: Sharon Levy. Caption writers: Lars Kenseth and Olivia de Recat. Physician contributors: Drs. Eddy Joelson, Adam Vardi, Daniel Geller, Jay Goldberg, Jeffrey Rothman, and Murray Spruiell.
A common practice among physicians is to offer visual aids—often sketched on examination-chair paper—when attempting to explain a symptom, condition, or procedure to a patient. Like doctors’ handwriting, their drawings leave much room for interpretation. One cartoonist collected a sampling of these confounding diagrams and enlisted a team of her peers to decipher and caption them. Sadly, having no prior medical training, none of the cartoonists came close.
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